I choose the display-rss component because it’s simple and has most of the use cases you would find in a web component.
What the component does basically loads any RSS feed and displays it
Starting up
We’ll be using Polymer as the library for the polyfills and creation of the element, and the help of Yeoman the tool I told you about in another post, and you will need to have NodeJS installed too.
We’ll begin by stalling Yeoman:
npm install -g yo
Then we’ll install the Polymer Generator
npm install -g generator-polymer
Then create a new folder mkdir my-element && cd $_
And start the generator yo polymer
This will create the base app structure, and will also install grunt and bower, go make a cup of tea.
Once all dependencies are downloaded we can create our element using:
yo polymer:element my-element
This command will ask us if we want to include a constructor, we mark the check, and we also mark that we want to import to our index.html using HTML imports.
Then it will ask if we want to import local elements, we leave blank.
Then it will ask if we want to import installed Bower elements, we are going to write polymer-json
since we’ll be using it later.
Finally this will create our element in app/elements/my-element.html
Since we said we wanted the polymer-jsonp
element we have to install it: bower install --save Polymer/polymer-jsonp
The --save
option ensure that this gets added to your bower.json file, if you are asked to choose a suitable version for polymer, I usually choose the one that specifies a version number.
Our web component
So we have our element in app/elements/my-element.html
, you should replace every ocurrence of polymer-my-element
for simply my-element
, this is a bug of the generator that they’re going to fix very soon.
Now we have our element and it looks like this:
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What we see here is the base structure of our web component, the <template>
tag you see is what creates the shadow DOM, so everything inside should be encapsulated, we have our style rules, our html and templates and our js.
Creating the display-rss component
The first thing we need to do is learn how the <polymer-jsonp>
element works, it behaves like the <polymer-ajax>
one, you can find the documentation here.
To be able to get a cross domain feed we can use Google Feed url, which takes a feed url, transforms it to json and give us the result using jsonp.
The idea is that you can make it all work with declarative sintax, so we’ll configure it like this:
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To understand this code we need some notions of how data-binding works in Polymer, take a quick read at this article.
In the code we are saying that this element has the id feed_data the {{url}}
means its data-binded to the variable data and {{entries}}
with the entries variable, fires up automatically, puts the response on the data variable, and on-response calls the responseHandler function.
We also going to define the url and entries variables in the attributes so can be changed from outside: attributes="url entries"
Then we modify the Polymer function to reflect those variables and functions:
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Ok lets try if this works, before go to the app/index.html
and change <polymer-my-element></polymer-my-element>
for <my-element></my-element>
, and lets fire up the server, run this in the root of your project:
grunt serve
This command should prepare everything, and pop up a browser with the website running, if we take at the console in our dev tools we should see an object containing our feed.
Now is the time to display this data, we’ll show the feed title, the last time it was updated and we’ll loop through the entries using templates:
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We also can refresh the feed every X milliseconds, the whole thing looks like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 |
The code is pretty self explanatory, the only curious line is perhaps line 13 where we select by id directly using this.$.feed_data
feed_data is the id of our polymer-jsonp element that has a js API called go()
to fire up the ajax call.
And that’s it! Is that easy!We now have a functional custom element that we can configure via attributes like this:
<my-element url="http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/topstories" entries="20" refresh="10000"></my-element>
Fire up your grunt serve
and you should see a news feed.